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! Welcome to Billo's WWWebCam Directory.


Look here for a list of Billo's WebRings.

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123cam is one of the best, most comprehensive and well designed WebCam directories I have seen in a long time. The categories include Cities, Streets, Bridges, Traffic, Harbors, Sea, Boats, Beaches, Monuments, Castles, Airports, Animals, Sports, Cafes, Wired, Media, Scientific, Universities, Mountains, Skiing, Lakes, Country and Panorama.

L.A. Avenue
L.A. Avenue
Visit L.A. Avenue and Nick will be your driver and guide for virtual tours of Los Angeles and it's surrounding cities. Sit back, relax and enjoy the views of L.A.'s beautiful, teeming streets. He's continually traveling throughout Los Angeles capturing images on his L.A. Avenue Live Cam. You'll travel through Hollywood, Beverly Hills and many other well-known spots. Keep your eyes open...you might see a celebrity!

WebCam World was born on September 1st, 1998, and was the first Internet Portal devoted to WebCams. They offer  content and services related to WebCams ranging from common hardware and software, to strange devices and things developed by WebCam users.  They also offer a wide range of services related to the WebCam community such as a Developers Zone, WebCam Support Forum, a WebRing, monthly polls, WebCam On-line Store, mailing lists, a Top 100 WebCams Ranking and much more!

WebCam Plaza
WebCam Plaza
This Holland based site, with it's "World Map" graphical interface, makes WebCam Plaza one of the easiest WebCam sites to navigate. There are hundreds of WebCam links represented and all are categorizes very nicely.

Lemming, the Web Master of Lemcams, wants you to "enjoy your stay and have some nice impressions of the worlds finest and best website ever!" Also, submit your favorite webcam or, if YOU have one, your own.

WebCam Ring

WebRing.org has created an exciting alternative to common, everyday search engines. It's called a "WebRing". A WebRing is a group of several web sites linked together by the Webmaster with one thing in common: content. There are thousands of Rings you can join if you match the contents of your site with theirs. Or, if you like, you can create your own. There are currently over 75,000 active WebRing's on the Internet.

Here's what the WebMaster has to say. "Let me give you the run down on why I created CamStation. It is a project I've been working on for a while now, but the university gave me the opportunity to work on it as part of my final year. It was launched March 26th, 2001, and is nearly finished." Join now!

The Live WebCams Ring
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The Live WebCams Ring was created in March of '97 and, since then, it has grown tremendously! It averages  1,000,000 hits a month, and is the first non-adult WebRing of the whole Internet! Active members average at least one hit a day. It was created as a way to surf all the WebCam sites on the Internet, so you can have hours of fun watching people and places from around the globe you would never see without WebCam technology. Plus, you do it without moving from your chair! Sweet!


Camarades is probably the largest collection of WebCams on the Internet. Anyone with a WebCam can be on-line quickly and easily simply by downloading TrueTech WebCam v2.2 and installing it. Check out my Camarades BilloCam and see what I mean.

World Live Streaming Cams
WebRing Master:Mart Hauser
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Join the World Live Streaming Cams Ring!

The World's Live Streaming Cams WebRing contains a wonderful selection of WebCams from all over the entire world! Every site is equipped with one or more LIVE video cams. It is much more exciting to watch LIVE motion video instead of just viewing images uploaded to the server periodically. Join this innovative, fast-growing WebCam community now, and become a part of the future of WebCams!


An very impressive collection of WebCams broken down into the following categories: Animals, Traffic, USA, Family, Science, Sports, Surf, TV and Radio, Weather, Weird, World, College and Schoo

Annucam is a website that is based in France. The pages have a very clean look and it is very well produced but, as I am not versed in French, I can't tell you much about it. But I know what I like, and It is definitely worth a look.

Do U Like 2 Watch?
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The "Do U Like 2 Watch?" WebRing is growing fast and was created to allow Webcam owners with live and innovative WebCams sites to reach the world and, most importantly, to provide a quality  source of WebCams for the worlds viewing web surfers.

Cool Webcams
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The Cool WebCams WebRing was created so that WebCam owners could list their sites in a cool place.  It seems that every WebCam directory or WebRing is proliferated by triple XXX sites.....or they don't list cameras that are fun and interesting to visit.  If you have a WebCam site that is interesting and fun to visit, come join the Cool WebCams.


There is an ever increasing number of live video cameras supplying diverse and exotic images on the WWW. EarthCamTV is the first searchable directory which locates live images from indoor and outdoor WebCams. Visitors can see what is happening at any of the many live WebCam locations 24/7/365.


Here Is Your LiveCam is an ever-changing collection of cameras installed at different places on our planet. The themes vary, including landscapes, cities, science and technology, sports, people, pets and some strange issues. This site is a homage to the thousands of people who wish to make their emotions known.


Welcome to the Internet's most popular directory for Live Video. Cammunity is one of the most popular and fastest growing free directory/search engines targeted to live video and WebCams on the Internet. Cammunity receives millions of search and directory information requests worldwide. Come take a look for yourself.

Digital Camera Network

The Digital Camera Network offers links to all things WebCam including new products, how-to's and links to thousands of WebCam sites. Also, visit the WebCam chat section called CamTalk. It's a forum for discussions on every part of the WebCam experience, and you are invited to join.

WebCam Central

WebCam Central gives you access to several of the best live WebCams on the Internet. There are several thousand WebCams listed by category, but perhaps the best feature is the RandomCam Selector. It automatically chooses a WebCam from the entire CamCentral list and takes you there.

Webcam Resource

WebCam Resources offer the definitive list of all things WebCam on the Internet. Take a look and judge for yourself.


CamFun is one-stop shopping for all of those wonderful WebCams you've been looking for. You'll want to return often. From Animal Cams to Window Cams to Personal Cams..... they have it all.

Online Camera

With the ever increasing number of live video cameras on the World Wide Web, the Online Camera site provides you with a searchable directory for all their WebCams. They are all categorized and very easy to search.


The TrueTech WebCam Gallery is a Streaming Video showcase for "innovative" or "technically advanced" applications within a website. Every year they pick the site with the most innovative use of a WebCam and offer a free commercial license for their "Webcam" software as reward. If you think your site qualifies, visit them.


Gates '96 is a service presented and owned by a Slovakian company and is listed on the Slovak Stock Exchange. Their staff surfs the WWW for you to find the best WebCams out there. They are also an Internet newspaper, but are much more than that. Best of all, their service is free.

Worldwide Webcam

Worldwide Webcam Sites is a searchable directory for thousands of WebCam sites throughout the world. The site also includes a Webcam Forum and offers a free monthly e-mail Webcam report.

Szym.com has an easy to use interface and boasts a large database of WebCams from all over the world.

Go to Random Camera

Random Camera has WebCams from all over the world, just fighting for your attention.


The French based CamsLab is a very well produced WebCam site but, as I am not able to read it, I can't tell you much about it.

Ali!WebCam is a Brazilian based website. The pages are very well produced but, as I can't read Spanish, I can't tell you much about it.


KiTT.net is owned and maintained by Christopher Howarth, who hails from London.  Check it out for all kinds of goodies from WebCams to Mp3's and more!

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: Cool Sites : My P-III 500 : My Sony DSC-D770 : Billo2001 : Java Pages
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